Widows in the Wilderness


This devotional is dedicated to all women and men who have experienced losing their spouse, companion, or long-time partner. Many men experience this loss, and it affects them just as much. So, I would like to take the time to acknowledge the widowers as well. God said in Romans 2:11 “For there is no respect of person with God.”

Meaning: Whether it be men or women, we all have or will endure pain or loss. God doesn’t come to comfort the woman and not the man. He is there for all of us.

The author was inspired to write this devotional after the loss of her husband, with the hopes of helping other women cope with the reality of “life after losing a spouse.” The truth is that many people think that the loss of a spouse, companion, or life partner is, in fact, just another life experience. But I know first-hand that it is just the opposite.

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